For reading festival students went to various "countries." Each classroom shared a story from a foriegn country. Teachers also provided a project to extend the lesson. The 7th and 8th grade classroom was China and the story of the Blue Willow Pattern by Allan Drummond.
As part of the presentation I made my own blue story plate which illustrates me getting a little chick one Easter morning. He was named Eggbert until we thought he might be a she; then we named her Eggberta. After some time the chicken crowed and had to leave our subdivision. Eggbert was taken to live on the farm.
My plate has an authentic feel because I drew the design onto a ceramic plate spray painted white. I used permenent markers but they need some time to dry/set. Drawing has to be done carefully to avoid smudging your work. I gave my plate a clear coat to protect my work.