The Cave of Horses (with a mastodon or two)
I did this project with my DK and K Students. I wish they would have had a little more enthusiasm for the images I showed them of the caves in Lascaux and Altamira, but these little ones' concepts of time and place are still developing. The good news is they really loved making their prehistoric horses, and then putting them into the cave. Visitors to the cave needed a flash light to pass through.
I used a frig box with both ends open. On a separate piece of cardboard I drew out the facade of a hillside and the cave opening. Then,I had some older kids paint it. I attached the facade to one end of the frig box.
The horses were drawn on torn brown grocery sacks. They were made by tracing the students hands with chalk and coloring them in. Finally, details like tails and manes were added.
Kids of all grades (and some teachers) couldn't wait to go in the cave.